- 安装插件 把文件post-image.php上传到 WP安装目录/wp-content/plugins下并且在插件工具管理下激活.
- 修改模板 在模板文章循环的部位,例如<?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry »'); ?>加上
<?php post_image('default_image', use_thumb, img_tag, 'css_class', 'customkey', display); ?>
<?php szub_post_image('args'); ?>
<?php post_image(); ?>
没有图片的文章没有默认图片;显示图片没有缩略图;显示在标签<img>中;用css 类‘post-images’。
<?php post_image('/blog/wp-content/images/post.jpg', true); ?>
设置 ‘/blog/wp-content/images/post.jpg’ 为默认图片;显示附件缩略图;显示在标签<img>中;用css 类‘post-images’.
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><img src="<?php post_image('/images/posticon.png', false, false); ?>" width="32" height="32" /></a>
<?php $thumb = szub_post_image('use_thumb=1&display=0'); ?>
<?php if($thumb) : ?>
<p><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo $thumb; ?></a></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($thumb) : ?>
<p><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo $thumb; ?></a></p>
<?php endif; ?>
post-image.php 源文件
- <?php
- /*
- Plugin Name: Post Image
- Plugin URI: http://guff.szub.net/post-image
- Description: Display an image 'attached' to each post. Use post_image() or szub_post_image() in The Loop.
- Version: R1.1.1
- Author: Kaf Oseo
- Author URI: http://szub.net/
- Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Kaf Oseo (http://szub.net)
- Post Image is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
- This is a WordPress 2 plugin (http://wordpress.org).
- ~Changelog:
- R1.1.1 (Jan-04-2007)
- Missed this bug fix: Avoid displaying "broken" img tag when no image
- exists.
- R1.1 (Jan-04-2007)
- You can specify an image attachment to use by inserting 'post-image'
- (or whatever is set for the 'customkey' parameter) somewhere in the
- (upload) title field. Hit a few buggy bits such as with 'thumbnail'
- filenames for language localization, and implemented pseudo-caching
- on multi-post queries.
- R1 (Mar-17-2006)
- Along with bug swattings from 0.1 (beta), the following changes and
- features provided with this full release: new query_string argument
- wrapper function (szub_post_image()); override an attachment and/or
- $default_image for individual posts through a custom field (default
- key: post-image); if $img_tag is set to true/1 and display false/0,
- now returns complete <img> element (previously it returned only the
- image's url). Tentative support for WordPress 2.1.
- */
- function szub_post_image($args='') {
- parse_str($args);
- if( !isset($default_image) ) $default_image = '';
- if( !isset($use_thumb) ) $use_thumb = false;
- if( !isset($img_tag) ) $img_tag = true;
- if( !isset($css_class) ) $css_class = 'post-image';
- if( !isset($customkey) ) $customkey = 'post-image';
- if( !isset($display) ) $display = true;
- return post_image($default_image, $use_thumb, $img_tag, $css_class, $customkey, $display);
- }
- function post_image($default_image='', $use_thumb=false, $img_tag=true, $css_class='post-image', $customkey='post-image', $display=true) {
- global $post, $posts, $wp_version, $wpdb;
- global $post_image_attachments;
- if( empty($post) )
- return;
- if( !empty($posts) ) {
- foreach($posts as $apost) {
- if( $posts[0] != $apost )
- $IN_ids .= ',';
- $IN_ids .= (int) $apost->ID;
- }
- }
- if( !empty($default_image) ) {
- $img_url = $default_image;
- $img_title = apply_filters('the_title', $post->post_title);
- }
- $post_custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
- $meta_value = $post_custom["$customkey"][0];
- if( $meta_value ) {
- $img_url = $meta_value;
- $img_title = apply_filters('the_title', $post->post_title);
- } else {
- if( empty($post_image_attachments) ) {
- $record = ( $wp_version < 2.1 ) ? 'post_status' : 'post_type';
- $post_image_attachments = @$wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_parent, post_title, post_content, guid FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent IN($IN_ids) AND $record = 'attachment' AND post_mime_type LIKE '%image%' ORDER BY post_date ASC");
- }
- foreach( $post_image_attachments as $attachment ) {
- if( $post->ID == $attachment->post_parent ) {
- if( !$first_attachment ) {
- $img_url = $attachment->guid;
- $img_title = apply_filters('the_title', $attachment->post_title);
- $first_attachment = 1;
- }
- $postmarked = strpos(strtolower($attachment->post_title), strtolower($customkey));
- $fileimage = explode('.', basename($attachment->guid));
- if( $postmarked == true || $post->ID == $fileimage[0] || $post->post_name == $fileimage[0] ) {
- $img_url = $attachment->guid;
- $img_title = apply_filters('the_title', $attachment->post_title);
- if($postmarked == true) {
- $img_title = trim(str_replace($customkey, '', $img_title));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if( $use_thumb && ($img_url != $default_image) )
- $img_url = preg_replace('!(\.[^.]+)?$!', __('.thumbnail') . '$1', $img_url, 1);
- }
- $img_path = ABSPATH . str_replace(get_settings('siteurl'), '', $img_url);
- if( !file_exists($img_path) ) {
- return;
- } else {
- if( $img_tag ) {
- $imagesize = @getimagesize($img_url);
- $image = '<img class="' . $css_class . '" src="' . $img_url . '" ' . $imagesize[3] . ' title="' . $img_title . '" alt="' . $img_title . '" />';
- } else {
- $image = $img_url;
- }
- }
- if( $display )
- echo $image;
- return $image;
- }
- ?>